Showing the World Your Quality

October 15, 2014

Survey gives farmers chance to aid soy sales efforts

This fall, U.S. soybean farmers have the opportunity to help increase demand for U.S. soy by sharing just a small sandwich-bag-sized clump of your soybeans.

Researchers are now accepting U.S. soybean samples, which they’ll analyze for protein, oil and other quality components. The results provide the soy checkoff with a market-building tool because they give customers a comprehensive look at the quality of the U.S. crop. Farmer participation is critical to making the results as accurate as possible.

Farmers who have participated in past years should have already received this year’s kit. If you did not, but would like to participate, contact University of Minnesota soybean researcher and survey coordinator Seth Naeve by email at

Individual results will be shared with each farmer but will otherwise be kept confidential.

Your two biggest customers, animal agriculture and the food industry, depend on high levels of protein and oil. So by continuously looking to improve protein and oil content, farmers can help improve demand and value of their soybeans.