OSC Steps Up Yield and Quality Research

October 11, 2013

The Ohio Soybean Council (OSC) continues to invest your soybean checkoff dollars on initiatives and programs that improve soybean farmers’ bottom line.  OSC has teamed up with a group of soybean researchers at The Ohio State University (OSU) to determine which management practices lead to higher soybean quality traits and yield.

Through two trials on nine locations, researchers will determine which non-traditional agronomic practices contribute to an increase in soybean seed quality, overall soybean yield, and individual soybean yield components of pods per plant, seeds per pod, and seed weight.  The locations will represent the major sol types and growing regions of Ohio (northern, central and southern).  Three of the locations will be at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC).

In addition, the research will determine yield-limiting factors through a statewide survey of soil quality, pests and management practices.  Over 70 farmers around the state of Ohio are participating in the statewide survey.  The data collection will be a collaborative effort among 24 extension personnel including faculty, graduate students, extension field specialists, extension educators and certified crop consultants.

“We will be taking soil quality samples, SCN samples, plant tissues, insects, weeds and pretty much anything that could potentially decrease yield and report those findings back to Ohio farmers,” said Dr. Laura Lindsey, Assistant Professor, Soybean and Small Grain Production at OSU.

Statistical analysis of the results will take place this fall so farmers can expect research results through a variety of workshops and media starting in January of 2014.

“The knowledge gained from this study will help Ohio farmers make the best of their soybean crop,” said Steve Reinhard, Soybean farmer from Crawford County and chair of the OSC production research committee.