Ohio Soybean Association Pleased with USDA Expansion of Double Crop Insurance

August 8, 2022 Ohio Soybean Association

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Risk Management Agency recently announced its expansion of double crop insurance opportunities for soybeans in at least 681 counties nationwide, a move that the Ohio Soybean Association (OSA) supports. The new expansion covers virtually all Ohio counties, allowing farmers in the Buckeye State to reduce the economic risk associated with growing two crops on the same land in the same year. OSA met with representatives from RMA in June to discuss the impact an expansion like this could have on farmers.

“We are thankful that the Biden Administration has followed through on a promise it made to expand double crop insurance coverage back in May,” said OSA President and soybean farmer Patrick Knouff of Shelby County. “Now, even more Ohio farmers can implement double cropping while mitigating significant financial risk. This has been an OSA priority for several years, and our board pushed for such an expansion to be included in national policy priorities.”

For further details about this expansion, contact your crop insurance broker or visit www.soyohio.org/doublecrop.


About OSA

The Ohio Soybean Association is governed by a volunteer farmer board dedicated to education and promotion, as well as to uniting producer interest through support of legislative activities beneficial to the Ohio soybean industry. www.soyohio.org/membership

Article Tags: OSA Press Release