Ohio Soybean Council Supports Sustainable World Tour

December 8, 2014

The Ohio Soybean Council recently collaborated with The OBIC Bioproducts Innovation Center at The Ohio State University to promote a biobased lifestyle to consumers on the Sustainable World Tour (SWT).

The SWT is a first-of-its kind public awareness campaign that includes exhibits and activities transported by a biobased-branded vehicle to encourage consumers to purchase biobased alternatives such as soy-based products and excite young people about future careers in sustainability.

The van kicked off the tour this past April and has visited more than 20 events including: 4-H camps, the national and state FFA convention, teacher workshops, the Cincinnati zoo, the Ohio State Fair and many classroom settings.

Biobased products are plant-derived, non-renewable matter and are made from renewable agricultural resources including food waste, soybeans, corn, and other plant materials. Biobased is a sustainable approach that considers the entire product life cycle from its agricultural origin to its overall renewability.

The OBIC focus is to connect the diverse segments of the bioproducts community to nurture business ecosystems and expedite commercialization of bioproduct technologies. OBIC accomplishes this mission by integrating the expertise and innovations from its network of research institutes, companies, and policy agencies to provide progressive solutions that fill gaps not normally addressed by other organizations. To learn more, visit www.bioproducts.osu.edu.