OSC and OSA Boards Elect 2019 Executive Committees
At their respective meetings in November, the Ohio Soybean Council (OSC) and Ohio Soybean Association (OSA) Boards of Trustees elected their executive committees to lead their organizations in 2019.
OSC will maintain the same officers as 2018: Steve Reinhard of Crawford County as chairman, Bill Bateson of Hancock County as vice chairman, Jeff Magyar of Ashtabula County as treasurer, and Bill Bayliss of Logan County as secretary. The board also welcomed two new members. David Clark of Warren County will represent District 13 and Mike Ralph of Union County will represent District 9. Jeff Magyar was also recently appointed to the United Soybean Board.
Scott Metzger of Ross County was elected to serve as 2019 OSA president. He has previously served as first vice president, vice president and treasurer. Metzger also sits on the American Soybean Association Board of Directors. He farms more 3,100 acres of soybeans, corn, wheat and malting barley.
Metzger replaces Allen Armstrong of Clark County as president, and Armstrong moves to the role of OSA chairman. Former chairman Todd Hesterman of Henry County retired from OSA.
The OSA board also elected Ryan Rhoades of Marion County to serve as first vice president. Rhoades has previously served as OSA vice president and treasurer. He farms nearly 3,000 acres of soybeans and corn in Delaware County. In addition to row crops, Rhoades helps run a 2,500 head farrow-to-finish operation.
In addition, the OSA board elected Patrick Knouff, Shelby County, as vice president; Jennifer Wilson-Oechsle, Van Wert County, as treasurer; and Jeff McKanna, Hancock County, as secretary. Delaware County farmer Bret Davis was also recently elected to serve as secretary of the American Soybean Association.