President’s Column: November/December 2019
I know most of us were hoping for a long, warm summer to help fill out the pods from such a late planting season and it appears we’ve gotten that. It’s early October as I write this column and it feels like August. Some have started harvesting and the rest are itching to get going.
In this issue of Ohio Soybean News, we’ve got information about new partnerships and upcoming events that I know will interest you.
We’ve set the date and location for the 2019 Ohio Grain Farmers Symposium, an event we host every year in partnership with the Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Association. Save the date on your calendars to attend on December 17th at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center on the campus of The Ohio State University. This event is free for all to attend, but please RSVP at to reserve your spot.
Learn more about the newly formed Ohio Agriculture Conservation Initiative (OACI). This group is an unprecedented partnership between agriculture, conservation, environmental, and research communities to recognize farmers who are working to improve water quality, as well as
increase the number of best management practices being implemented on
farms. One of the ways this group is going to help accomplish that goal is to create a farmer certification program. Watch for more information about this program as it becomes available.
Back in September, OSA farmer leaders attended the 2019 Farm Science Review to talk to attendees about OSA membership and its many benefits. We successfully signed up a lot of new members that week and don’t want to lose that momentum. To see the most updated list of membership benefits or to sign up or renew your membership, click here. If you believe, belong.
Happy Harvest!

Scott Metzger, OSA President