
October 26, 2020

The Ohio Soybean Council Foundation (OSCF) is pleased to announce scholarship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students for the 2021-2022 academic year. The scholarship program encourages undergraduate and graduate students at Ohio colleges and universities to pursue degrees in one of the many academic fields that support the future of the soybean industry, including agriculture, business, communication, economics, education, engineering, science and technology. “Our scholarships help engage students who not only embrace our… Read More

October 16, 2020

The Ohio Soybean Council (OSC) received its 12th R&D 100 Award at the 58th annual R&D 100 Awards held on October 1. The R&D 100 Awards honor the 100 most innovative technologies of the past year. The award was given in the Software/Services category for the Handheld Sensor for Screening Crop Quality that was funded with Ohio soybean farmers’ checkoff dollars in cooperation with The Ohio State University. This is the seventh R&D 100 Award… Read More

August 3, 2020

The Ohio Soybean Association (OSA) congratulates Rep. Troy Balderson (R-OH) on his recent appointment to the U.S. House of Representatives Agriculture Committee. Ryan Rhoades, OSA president and Marion County soybean farmer, made the following statement. “On behalf of the Ohio Soybean Association and its members, we congratulate Rep. Balderson for his appointment to the House Agriculture Committee. His experience working on a family farm will undoubtedly be an asset to the committee and… Read More

July 20, 2020

In 2020, elected officials are more accessible to their constituents than ever before. Calling and writing letters or emails are all excellent ways to interact with them, but social media offers a simple and effective way to stay up-to-date on their activity while also voicing your own opinion. In fact, a report from the Congressional Management Foundation indicates that as few as 10 social media posts to a member of Congress is enough to catch… Read More

July 1, 2020

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) enters into force today, July 1. The free trade agreement between the three member countries is intended to update and largely replace the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, which took effect in 1994. The Agreement seeks to improve and modernize approaches to rules of origin, agricultural market access, intellectual property, digital trade, financial services, labor and numerous other sectors. The Agreement also addresses trade rules related to agricultural… Read More