
January 3, 2020

For an unusual year that included unprecedented weather and continuing trade issues, the 2019 Ohio Grain Farmers Symposium attempted to capture the challenges that farmers faced in the last 12 months and provide information that will help farmers prepare for 2020. Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) Director Dorothy Pelanda opened the meeting with remarks about what is coming down the pipeline at ODA. “We have an obligation to think about future generations and doing what’s… Read More

January 3, 2020

At their December board meeting, the Ohio Soybean Association Board elected new board leadership. Learn a little more about the farmers who will be leading OSA in 2020. President Ryan Rhoades Q: What are you most excited for OSA to work on in 2020? A: There are so many potential answers but I have to go with trade because of the dollars left (or taken off) on the table for farmers in Ohio. Q:… Read More

January 3, 2020

At their December meeting, farmer leaders from the Ohio Soybean Association (OSA) board gathered together to discuss the past year and start planning for 2020. First, Trish Cunningham, OSA policy committee chair, gave the board an update on pending legislation that could affect soybean farmers. Some of this legislation includes: Senate Bill 2 – creates the Statewide Watershed Planning and Management Program under the administration of the Director of Agriculture and makes changes to the… Read More

January 3, 2020

After being elected first vice president of the Ohio Soybean Association and serving in that position throughout 2019, I’m proud to move into the role of president for 2020. I want to thank my fellow board members for trusting me and giving me the opportunity to lead our organization over the next year. I especially thank our immediate-past president, Scott Metzger, for his leadership. During the OSA December board meeting, the board elected the other… Read More