
December 28, 2018

According to a study by Statista, the average American spends over 2.5 hours on their smartphone every day. Here are 10 apps farmers can download to help put those wasted hours to work. All apps are available for free on the App Store and Google Play. 1. Mix Tank – Want to avoid money and product loss due to sprayer clogging? This app helps you calculate the proper order of tank mix for pesticides, adjuvants… Read More

December 28, 2018

By Jen Del Carmen, USSEC U.S. soybeans and the farmers who grow them were one of the biggest international news stories of 2018. It’s nearly impossible these days to not find soybeans on the front page of any publication, whether digital or print. While the U.S.-China trade dispute continues to be in the spotlight, the U.S. Soy industry has always worked to build and diversify multiple markets around the world. The Americas region, consisting of… Read More

December 28, 2018

In 2019, each issue of Ohio Soybean News will look at a different market segment where the Ohio Soybean Council is working to expand opportunities for Ohio soybean farmers. The January/February issue is all about soybeans’ number one customer: animal agriculture. The meal from nearly 30 million bushels of Ohio soybeans are fed to pigs, chicken, cattle and other livestock and poultry every year. Meat Ohio Farmers In 2017, OSC started the Meat Ohio… Read More

December 27, 2018

At the November Ohio Soybean Association (OSA) Board of Trustees meeting, one topic dominated the conversation: water quality. The meeting, held at the Ohio Statehouse, offered the chance for board members to discuss solutions to the water quality issue and the means to fund that solution. During the meeting, several members of the Ohio Senate and  House of Representatives took a break from the commotion of a lame duck session to speak to the board… Read More

December 27, 2018

This year’s Ohio Grain Farmers Symposium was full of information and conversations to help grain farmers prepare for 2019. The meeting opened with remarks from Lt. Gov. Jon Husted about the DeWine-Husted agenda and how agriculture will fit into that plan in the coming years. “We want to make sure workforce and training opportunities are available to everybody in rural Ohio and we also want to extend broadband to make sure that no matter where… Read More