Farmer Action Network

The Farmer Action Network is a collection of farmers who want to be more involved than just a regular member of the Ohio Soybean Association. As part of the Farmer Action Network, you will be the first to receive notices for calls to action, in-district political events, and Ohio Soybean-hosted events.


What’s the purpose?

The Farmer Action Network is a collection of engaged OSA farmer members who can be called on to advocate for soybean farmers.


How to I become part of the Farmer Action Network?

The Farmer Action Network is open to current members of the Ohio Soybean Association. There is no cost to be a part of the Farmer Action Network. To join, please fill out the form below or contact Brandon Kern, Director of Policy & Issues Analysis, at


What is the time commitment?

The time commitment is as much or as little as you are willing to give! This is a voluntary group that will only be called to action as needed.


Why should I join?

You should join if you believe in the mission of OSA and want to get more involved. Maybe you are a former board member that misses the fun and excitement of OSA. Maybe you are someone who wants to eventually serve on the OSA board, but doesn’t have the time or opportunity to serve now. Maybe you’d just like to become more involved in the advocacy process. Whatever reason you have for joining, we have a spot for you on our team.


If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Brandon Kern at

Join the Farmer Action Network