Communication & Education
Our Communication & Education Goals
Support Ohio soybean farmers by educating and communicating with key target audiences
- Increase knowledge of modern agriculture among Ohio teachers and students, including workforce development
- Communicate the value of checkoff investments to Ohio soybean farmers and industry partners
- Increase understanding among key stakeholders of the impact and sustainability of the Ohio soybean industry

Ag Education Through Soybeans
GrowNextGen is a web-based education program funded by the Ohio Soybean Council and Ohio soybean farmers where kids K-12 can learn about agriculture through the lense of science, technology and the humanities.
It has reached more than 20,000 teachers and 500,000 students in Ohio and beyond through its website, teacher workshops and educator network. The curriculum, activities and industry contacts shared on GrowNextGen bring agriculture science to the classroom, joining industry and teachers by providing real-world educational tools to engage the next generation workforce.
To learn more about GrowNextGen, you can visit their website or contact Tom Fontana at